
Product discovery workshops

Let’s find your path to success – together

Let's start now!

Before we start a project, we want to get to know your product better and help you make sure you have a solid plan for development. This is why for all our clients we organize product discovery workshops – a brainstorming session where together we come up with ideas, organize them, and even start bringing them to life!


Why invest your time in product discovery workshops?

See things differently

During our product discovery workshops you won’t be working alone – we’ll be thinking hard with you! Our input, backed by 15 years of experience and 200+ projects, will provide you with a unique perspective on how to develop your product most effectively.

Build solid foundations

Product discovery workshops are all about uncovering the essentials – your product vision, business needs, user personas, product requirements, and project scope. They will help you build solid foundations for future product development and business growth.

Prioritize your work

Early stage development is all about prioritizing work and minimizing risks. We know that, which is why our product discovery workshops include exercises like business model canvas, MoSCoW analysis, and priority matrix – all of which will help you set up a manageable development plan.

Find new ideas

Product discovery workshops are an incredibly creative process that results in a bucket of ideas. While not all of them can be executed immediately, we find that the process gives our customers ideas for future development past the MVP phase.

Seems like you might need any of these?

If you’d like to see your idea come to life, come and tell us about your project!

Let's meet!

What do you get from product discovery workshops?

Depending on how mature your vision is and what scope we agreed on, there are different outcomes you can expect from our product discovery workshops. Read all about them!

Business model canvas

A business canvas is a quick overview of your business model which includes things like your value proposition, customer segments, or revenue streams.

Business model canvas

User personas

User personas are descriptions of your ideal customers. They tell you precisely whose needs you should focus on when developing your product.

User personas

User flows

User flows tell you step by step how the users are going to navigate your product, which in turn informs you what views you need to create.

User flows

Priority matrix

A priority matrix is a comparative analysis of what effort your ideas require vs what impact they will have on the overall project.

Priority matrix

Product scope

Product scope details what we agreed needs to be done for the first version of the product to be ready.

Product scope


Wireframes are preliminary sketches of the views you’re going to need for your app. They give you an idea of how the product will look.



An estimate contains information on how long the project will take, what roles need to be involved, and how much it will cost.


This is how we do it!

1. Let's kick it off with a call

Initially, we’ll invite you to a short call to learn more about you, your product, and your expectations. This will allow us to prepare a workshop tailored to your business needs at this stage of your venture. We’ll also determine the outcomes we want to deliver after the workshops. Our goal is to ensure that even with just a few hours of work, you’ll have tangible results that will help you down the line!

2. And see eye to eye!

During our workshops, we’ll guide you through a set of exercises that will help you organize your plans. We’ll go through your vision, business needs, personas, and competition, and identify weak spots. We’ll also brainstorm product ideas, evaluate their impact and effort, and prioritize which are necessary and which are good for future development. This is the groundwork for your entire project!

3. Now we get to work

After the workshops we’ll prepare some additional collaterals that you can use for future development, finding investors, and marketing, even if you don’t decide to work with us. Firstly, we’ll prep a document with the conclusions from our meeting. We’ll also draw some wireframes, so you can see our initial idea for the app. Lastly, we’ll share an estimate of how long the project will take and the expected cost.

Sounds like a plan?

Then hop on a call with us to discuss your product and set up a workshop date!

I'm in!

Success Stories

Success story

Flex Alert

The application ready for the load of 40 million users

Web App

UX/UI Design

Customer Software

Success story

Deep Sync Labs

Setting your start-up for a win



Code review

App development

Success story


Software in service of more sustainable future

Web App

UX/UI Design


AWS Lambda

AWS Amplify


AWS Cognito

